An interesting signage that I saw the other day which had a part of the region with Live TV. A set top box was attached to the digital signage solution, one region in it was live tv… even the remote was working through the set top box…
Just a thought… This sounds more like picture in picture on a television, with the layout setup to display content around where the television would show the second feed/input such as live tv.
Its difficult to have this in Android from a TV Tuner without the Android device having some sort of video input feed and a sane way to access the stream.
It needs to be a unicast RTSP stream with a codec that Android can display - ie webm or H264. Multicast streams are not supported as Android has no support for it.
Beyond that it’s just a case of entering the stream URL in the Local Video module as detailed here:
As for the Windows player
You could try with VLC rtsp link maybe or have a look here:
I thought that I had already replied in this thread, but, apparently I have not. I purchased a epiphan Pearl Pearl - Live video streaming, mixing, recording & production this device is a professional grade portable video switcher. It allows unicast and multicast (unicast is what you want for android client). I use it to encode video output from two dish network receivers and an over the air TV tuner. The three rtsp streams can be set as a small “window” like PIP or as the full layout. This way we can schedule TV for certain hours, and control what is view able. It is a little pricey, but has been very stable and works very well.
I’m using a usb capture card, and a digital tv converter connected on the usb capture card, and also use a jscam script that recognizes a web cam or usb capture card,
I would like the developers of xibo to put this function as standard, and very useful, my mode is not guaranteed, and only works with updated IE and updated flash
i use this script in region>Embedded>HTML to Embed, for live tv local <iframe id="iframe" width='584' height='393' scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>
i use this script in region>Embedded>HTML to Embed, for live tv online m3u8 rtsp rtmp and etc… <iframe id="iframe" width='584' height='393' scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>
Yes, the “Perl” does output RTS Stream. Ehhiphan now makes a less expensive product that outputs a RTS Video stream. My Pearl unit was destroyed in a lightning strike, good luck to you.