Embedded code not loading


I try to load a public webpage with the layout and an iframe embedded url.
It’s only loadscreen from website comming up and no content.

This is the url:


I run Xibo CMS 1.7.9
And client is running on Android.
When I open the url in chrome browser it’s loading

Please help.

It’s loading a bit slower on Android, but it seems to work fine for me on minix z64
I’ve put your url in web page module in Xibo with duration 100 and open natively setting.

Oh, thanx for check this,

I have a new Android box, A95X with android 6.
Never finish loading spinner animation, what can be wrong? been on 1 hour and still loading.

We have this box on all screens running layouts with other material and they are working like a charm. There must be some logical explenation why this not load on this box.


Open natively setting may have done it. Now loading, little bit slow but it loads!

Thank you.