When the player is offline we can’t receive an email but if the player is back online we get this email.
How can I fix this ?
When the player is offline we can’t receive an email but if the player is back online we get this email.
How can I fix this ?
You’re sure it’s not going to your Junk/Spam folder?
Yes we have checked it, but it’s not there
How is the CMS installed? And what version is it?
It is manually installed and the version is Version 1.8.2
Did you configure something to run XTR? And are your tasks running as expected?
Yes we configured it in our server and it is running as expected. Since it is emailing us when the player is online.
XTR doesn’t send the “up” messages. The display connecting triggers that.
I’d suggest XTR isn’t running as you think it is. Please send a screenshot of the Tasks page showing the status.
It’s interesting Run Now is selected. That’s done on upgrade. Did you mark that?
I really wanted to see it as it was - as if it was stuck, we’d have found our issue.
How have you got the alerts configured please? ie what settings do you have on your test display, and the general CMS settings for Maintenance? You can redact the email addresses if you wish.
Screenshots of those areas would probably be easiest.
So you want all Players to be “down” after 1 minute? That seems like a very odd configuration.
You’d typically pick a value that is longer than your collection interval, by around 50%, or just untick “Use the Global Timeout” and then the CMS will pick a value based on the collection interval you’ve setup for each Player.
To test, ensure the Player is logged in, close the CMS completely from your browser, and then close the Player application or remove the network cable from the Player device. Wait longer than the collection interval, plus a few minutes.
Okay Alex I will run a test now.
Thanks by the way
Hello Alex we’ve tried several times but still we can’t receive any notification if the player is interrupted.
Do you get a notification in the notification drawer that the player went offline? It’s the bell icon at the top right of the screen.
The Email notifications task emails notifications that have already been raise - it does not raise the notifications themselves. That duty is assigned to the Regular Maintenance task (which is not shown in your screenshot above).
Can you confirm that the regular maintenance task is also running.
Sorry for the late update.
No we don’t see anything like that @alex .
we can only see the recovery notification.
Sorry @dan I don’t know where to locate the regular maintenance task .
Thanks Dan & Alex,
I received an Email Alert for Display every second after I set the Maintenance Regular task, However I didn’t recieve any Recovery Email. Is there any standard time interval that needs to set? To avoid conflict of email? I’ve attached the screenshot of my TASK View Page.
Also these are the settings of the schedule for task in CRON syntax.
Maintenance Daily - 0 0 * * *
Email Notification - * * * * *
Notification Tidy - */5 * * * *
Maintenance Regular - * * * * *
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