First thing I’d check is your XMR private address setting. By default it’s hidden in a Docker install, but as this is a conversion from a standard installation, it may well be wrong.
For a Docker install, it should be:
Don’t confuse this with the XMR public address which is different.
If you can’t see the XMR private address in the CMS settings (Displays tab I think) then you’ll need to update that directly in the database. To do so, connect to your MySQL container (see How can I run a SQL command when using a Docker Install?) and then run the following SQL:
UPDATE `setting` SET `value`='tcp://cms-xmr:50001', `userChange`=0, `userSee`=0 WHERE `setting`='XMR_ADDRESS';
Then go in to the CMS, go to the Settings page and click Save.