Displays missing/disappeared for one user

I am using CMS version 1.8.7 on Ubuntu 16.04. While in the displays section all of my displays suddenly disappeared from the list.

It appears as though I have set some filters resulting in none to list. It does show on the bottom of the screen “Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from NaN total entries)”. I have tried changing filters, permissions etc. If I create a new user or log in as another user I can see all the displays. I would rather not delete this user and start again as it is the owner of a lot of content.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Is that user super admin?

That could be ordering by “incorrect” column that caused it, did you by any chance click on for example, ‘Storage Free %’ to order Displays table by that? In any case You could try clicking on Id for example to check if that was is the problem.

If your CMS is available over the internet then I can have a quick look if you want - if so please send me private message with access details.

Yes, clicking on ID did return my list of displays.

I noticed after I initially commented that this bug is one of the fixes in the new 1.8.8 version, which I will be upgrading to so I don’t get caught again.


Yes, I thought that could be it, I’m glad you were able to resolve that also yes indeed we’ve disabled sorting on that column to avoid similar issues in the future.