Display specific QR code


I have to create a layout that will contain display specific information. Similar issue as in Can a page called by webpage module identify the display? but I did not see the solution there.

I have seen Embedded widget (eg. to use JavaScript) or custom module as an options.

Am I correct?

How can I reference DisplayId in Javascript, if at all possible?
I would use that DisplayId to generate DisplayId specific QR code and show that QR code in that widget.

Other option would be module.

Not sure which way to go. Suggestions?


We dont make displayId available in the Embedded Widget, so as it stands at the moment, you’d need to write your own Module to do that.

However, I don’t see why we don’t allow that, as it seems like it would be sensible.

I’ve made a note to look at it as a possible enhancement for v3.


I would like the module to return QR code to display it somewhere on the layout along with some other content - eg. image, at the same time.

Can module return QR image?

I should use regions to display QR and content image. Correct?

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