Display page is showing empty last accessed fields

Hi All,

I have the problem that the Display page is showing empty “Last Accessed” fields.
While the Sessions page is showing the “Last Accessed” time stamp correctly in my chosen DATE_FORMAT.
Both pages use the same DateManager::getLocalDate function so i doubt the problem is in the settings.
It’s also not browser related, ruled that out too.
What else could be wrong, a missing PHP dependency maybe?

Last Accessed is currently: 1477233046
And showing ok when I disable USE_INTL_DATEFORMAT and change the DATE_FORMAT back to default.

Running CMS 1.7.9 on PHP 5.3.29
CALENDAR_TYPE - Value: Gregorian
DATE_FORMAT - Value: dd-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss

hmm, it seems to be ok on our test CMS.

I wonder if that’s perhaps because of your php version, could you try to upgrade to let’s say 5.5?
Please also make sure that you have php5-intl module installed.