I’m trying to produce the following schedule.
With three elements like this
Layout A (image: duration 15 seconds)
Layout B (image: duration 15 seconds)
Layout C (video: duration 120 seconds)
I’d like to display:
Layout A
Layout B
Layout C (video)
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout C (video)
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout C (video)
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
Layout A
Layout B
and so on.
I’ve tried using “Maximum Plays per Hour” or “Interrupt Layout → Percentage” but to no avail.
Is there a good way of solving my planning?
I’m using android 4-401 for my displays.
Best regards