Hi today two of my players are in the " Display is out of date but has not yet checked in with the server " all media are loaded and all layouts are checked .
I can not find the reason
cms:Version 1.7.4
palyer android: 1.7.r56
Hi today two of my players are in the " Display is out of date but has not yet checked in with the server " all media are loaded and all layouts are checked .
I can not find the reason
cms:Version 1.7.4
palyer android: 1.7.r56
So 00007 is logged in and last accessed depending on when you took this screenshot might be fine
00006 is not logged it and last accessed is not quite recent.
In general it’s not a bad thing, as long as this status won’t be there all the time, especially if any recent changes to your layouts are correctly displayed on your players.
Would it be possible to show us a screenshot of status window on these devices?
00006 is not connected now but during the morning had l’error…
Yes, screenshot show the “Default Layout” for all two players
It might not be anything serious, but status window should make it clear.
Please see this article for details about status window - Getting the player status
ob_end_flush(): failed to delete and flush buffer. No buffer to delete or flush
Hi Peter,
I solved the problem. Depended on the license , this is not the first time that happened . The player goes into default layout for licensing problems , messages are: " Display is out of date but has not yet checked in with the server " on CMS and “Player unlicense” on Staus of player . But the license was correct and registered on the site , the solution is to remove the license and verify the license again . Two players same problem.
For us is very important resolve this problem because we don’t have remote control on android player and player are in different places not near (do you suggest me solution for that ) Can you investigate please.
So, assuming that you had there a correct CMS address / Key and licence pool email address.
Did you uninstall/reinstall the apk on this device? If that’s the case then it’s possible that after another installation UID was different and that’s why it wasn’t properly licensed.
Yes I had a correct CMS address , KEY and licence pool email address, no I did not unistall/reinstall , uid is changed alone.
Wondering what the final resolve is on this. We have several players that consistently show “Display is out of date but has not yet checked in with the server” until rebooted.
I am having the same issue installed CMS on a windows PC and trying to play on xibo player on a windows client but get the error “Display is out of date but has not yet checked in with the server”.
I have rebooted the client PC but still getting the error.
I have the xibo player installed on windows 10 surface pro as well as windows 7 machine which also has xibo cms installed on it.
can anyone help?
I have the same problem
all of my clients (about 15 pieces)
after each layout change comes the error message
Server 1.7.6
Clients 1.7.6 (Windows 7 / Windows 10)
No error on the Infoscreen
All logged in and licensed always correct
often helps a reboot, but not always
Today I have had it at 2 clients
reboot does not help
I had first set the CEF web browser
As I have the CEF disabled it works
it may be due to the CEF web browser?
So…licencing problems (mentioned in the original problem) - If your android device changes the MAC address on reboot (or after Xibo reinstall) it’s possible that the MAC on the device and MAC in our Portal are different, in some cases it won’t update it correctly and therefore the device will be not licensed anymore - solution unlicence it in the portal.
Windows and “Display is out of date but has not yet checked in with the server” - that is perfectly normal, as long as it doesn’t stay like that for too long - assuming that device is logged in to the CMS it should download new/updated content (in this time change the status to X) and after everything is done change the status to checkmark (up to date).
If it stays in (!) status, while logged in to the CMS, it may have problems downloading/displaying some content, in which case we would need to see logs/ status window on the device.
CEF- may cause issues, it’s not recommended in a production environment.
I am still getting the (!) status while logged in to the CMS. I have now installed Xibo CMS on windows 7 ent x64 laptop and getting the same issue. I installed the windows client xibo player on the same laptop but still get the error. Also tested it on a windows 10 laptop installing the xibo player but still get the same issue.
I have attached the screenshot of the log from xibo player installed on the windows 7 laptop as mentioned above.
Also what is CEF?
topHello Peter, I’m sorry but this is not a valid solution.
As we know Android very often changes the mac adresses, and we do not know why and in which situation.
This forces us to re-assign the license from the portal.
The problem is that the player must be restart manually to get new license, because the player does not update again until you restart it. Often the player are very far from our office!!!
Is it possible change the license control method? for example to control the hardware key that is verified by the CMS. Or is it possible to take the new license by the CMS like for the request of screenshot.
Or restart the player by the CMS.
These features help us to manage better our XIBO network, and we are thinking to add more XIBO players.
Best regards
It seems like there is something really wrong with your CMS installation.
You’d need to enable logs in the CMS and look for clues (also perhaps look at ‘Report fault’ page if there are any X there)
You can also try to create a demo CMS with us (Spring Signage) and see how it will work for you.
CEF- it’s an experimental web engine that can be used as an alternative to the default IE, but we don’t recommend it and it’s no longer developed.
It actually should be fine, but if x number of devices in the same network are cycling between the same mac addresses then that will cause problems - duplicates in our system or not licensed devices when you don’t have licences available.
If it happens after restart, you could try to prevent it (or at the very list minimize this issue) by increasing one option in display profile.
Display settings → edit display profile assigned to your device → advanced → Start delay for device start up
Increase it to 120 (or more if that’s ok)
There are multiple ways of restarting your device remotely, most of which will require rooted device.
From CMS it can be done via shell command - https://community.xibo.org.uk/t/restart-rooted-device-with-a-shell-command/4360
I manage to resolve my issue had to set ‘always_populate_raw_post_data’ to ‘-1’ in the php.ini file. Now it allows me to display the layout. This error message came up on the logs by setting debugging on.
I used XAMPP v3.2.2 to install Apache and MySQL.
I had the same issue and apply you fix "to set ‘always_populate_raw_post_data’ to ‘-1’ " that fix it for now. I’ll be doing more test uploading Videos and more Images to Display for the next few days.
Thanks for all the help,