Date & Time DsDevices lost every one-two days

Hi friends,
Please need your help with this little problem…
My DsDevices lost the date&time configuration every one-two days and i dont know why. When the date&time configuration get lost my android licences not work (for date&time reasons) and i have to connect a usb mouse+keyboard to fix the problem in the android system.

How can i auto update the date&time? I have checked this option(view attached image)…but it get lost with the days

pd1: I have a ethernet cable always connected to the device.
pd2: sorry for my bad english.:pray:

I use a DSDevices DSCS9 for my Android Player, there are 2 Settings options on there.

Close the Xibo Player and return to the Apps menu on your Device. On my DSCS9, I have an app named Settings, which has an image of a small green android as the icon (may appear differently on your device). Click that option and you should instead be inside a Settings page that looks like this:

Select the Preference option and choose Date and Time from the menu. Make sure Use network-provided is set to Open and make sure the time zone is set correctly. If this does not resolve the issue, I would recommend setting the time and date using the manual settings to see if the issue is resolved.

Many Thanks.

Hi DanBW,
My configuration says “use network-provided” on … I tried “manual settings” too but when i turn off the DSDevice the configuration get lost and back to December 2014.

And another problem, the “net” led-light front the DsDevice its turned off even the ethernet cable is connected (perhaps it cause that the date cannot be updated) … but why this “net status its off” if the ethernet cable is plugged? (i try with a laptop and the lan network operates good).

Please helpme Dan, thanks.

For the ethernet issue (connection loss and led not litting up), contact DSDevices, they fix it under warranty. Either replacing it, or they send you a firmware update. Time loss may be related to this too, as its network related time.

If your device never gets the time correctly itself, but otherwise makes connections to the CMS etc once you correct the time, then it’s likely that your local network prevents the device from getting the correct time from the internet.

I believe by default, Android uses NTP to, so you’ll need to allow that outbound through your firewall.