Datasets: Unix Timestamp


I have a data set that gets information about teachers that arent available. I get the firstname, prefix, lastname, ID, start and end date. when I test the connection.

I want to only show the unavailable teachers of the specific day.
"start"and “end” is the date value in Unix Timestamp but i cant seem to choose that option with the date format when i setup the colomn.

Hi @Arnold_Naber

Here we can see that the columns can be given a formula:

I had done something like this with SQL queries but I never converted a timestamp.

Please, let us know if you find the right formula.

Ah thanks !

I made a new columns with a number, and created the folowing formula that seems to work.


I now get 8-apri. i would rather have 8 April but this is ok for now. I only need it to sort the results to the current day so i need to figure that out next.

Try with:

$dateFormat((FROM_UNIXTIME(UTdate),d F)

May be a solution to your needs:


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