Datasets: Cache not ready

To be completed by the original poster:

CMS Version

Docker setup, version 4.0.7

Player Type


Player Version



I have a remote JSON Dataset with has an hourly refresh. When I view the data, I see the rows listed.
I’ve then created a layout using that dataset, and setting the Caching Update Interval to something higher then 60min.
When I preview the layout, I see the my dataset working nicely, however, when using it on a player I see no data presented, and the logs state:
getData: Failed to get data cache for widgetId 102, e = Cache not ready

No matter what values I seem to fill in for both the dataset or the caching settings on the layout, I keep getting this error.
Anyone know what the reason is I get this error ?

Kind regards,

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Same error here for (self hosted CMS 4.0.8) and ical file

Same here as well. It is doing it on datasets for me.

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Seeing the same issue here on the latest . release.
Player is Windows 11 xibo 2 display

Is the CMS installed via Docker or a standalone install?

Same here: CMS version 4.0.10 (Docker) and Windows Player 4.0.2.

When we change data in the dataset so that the screen should update the call coming from the Player gets a 500 Response from the XDMS script.

"POST /xmds.php?v=7&method=getData HTTP/1.1" 500 597 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS Web Services Client Protocol 4.0.30319.42000)"

I disabled MEMCACHE at the docker compose file as well to see if that helps and it does not make a difference. We are on the same versions as @patrickfend

in my case the task “widget sync” was stuck. after a few attempts, the job ran and the cms now at least delivers data - sometimes. it seems like this is part of the cause.

i would say that it has to do with a combination between the scheduler of the widget sync task and the cache refresh of the dataset. if the cache of the dataset expires after 1 minute, but the widget sync only runs every 3 minutes, the XMDS service does not return any data =(

i have now set the widget sync to * * * * * * (every minute). so far the cache refresh of 1 minute for the datasets is working…but i still have to observe it for a while

what are your settings for the task and the dataset cache?

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