Criei um conjunto de dados remoto, os dados estão sendo puxados, mas o problema está na última etapa, os dados não aparecem na colunas do conjunto de dados.
Could you look at the Tasks page and show us how does it look like there please?
Specifically the Fetch Remote DataSets task
Onde encontro a tarefa Fetch Remote DataSet???
Se quiser ver melhor posso te logar
Tenho a mesma configuração para testes no, e funciona muito bem.
I don’t recall what’s the translation for that page, but it will be under Administration:
Then the one of interest in this case:
In our Cloud Hosting the tasks should be running fine, therefore you see the results there in the dataSet.
At a guess in your local installation either the XTR isn’t configured or isn’t running or is ‘stuck’ for some reason.
If it is docker installation (the one you have locally), then I’d expect the XTR to run just fine, if it’s manual/custom installation on a web server, then please see here -
It should be fairly obvious what is the issue if you look at the tasks page in your local CMS.
Problema resolvido.
Muito obrigado Pedro, sucesso a todos envolvidos no projeto XIBO.
I’m glad to hear that!