cURL on EasyPHP Devserver 16.1

Hey guys.

I know this is “kind of my own problem” but i hope someone might be able to help anyways.

I am trying to install the XIBO CMS on a Windows server running Windows 10, and the server software being EasyPHP Devserver 16.1.

I have got everything working EXCEPT the cURL extension. It simply wont recognize it being present. I have tried following solution:

  • Copied libeay32.dll, libsasl.dll and ssleay32.dll from my php directory, to “C:/Windows/System” and “C:/Windows/System32”
  • Uncommented “php_extension=curl.dll” from php.ini files (i had two for some reason, but uncommented from both)
  • Downloading curl from

Best Regards


Granted that I didn’t use easyphp, but perhaps have a look here:
Using Tickers, Forecast, Twitter and other external resources that make use of HTTPS connections

So if you edited the correct php.ini file, uncommented the line with curl extension and it is pointing to the right path (where curl cert actually is) then that should be fine. Assuming that you did restart your websever after making those changes.

Could you tell us what’s the actual error says?

Hi again.

The actual error is just that Xibo does not recognize curl as being present (it has an “X” in the installation wizard)

I am attempting the certificate solution now
UPDATE: It doesnt work to add a path for the certificate either

I suspect you’re failing before the loading of certificates… you might be better off searching for generate solutions to this problem as its a pre-Xibo issue. something like?

As stated above, i have tried these solutions, but cant seem to make it work anyways… I have copied the three files to a range of different locations, even tried to put them in almost all folders in my EasyPHP folders, but i cant seem to get it to run.

Sorry, I didn’t see you had already tried that… my point was more that we (the core Xibo team) haven’t tried EasyPHP before and therefore aren’t best placed to help you get it working.

To be it sounds very similar to other issues with curl and windows - people have solved that by using a fully qualified path in php.ini ?

100% working solution, i won this problem!

  1. Copy libssh2.dll from php directory to Windows/system directory
  2. In php.ini #zend_extension remove ; front row ;extension=php_curl.dll
  3. Restart Apache server.