Connection Refused to CMS

My installation was working fine on an IIS installation. I was not getting ticker modules on the displays, so I entered my network’s proxy information in the CMS GUI settings. The next time I tried to use the CMS, it said connection refused.

I have tried reverting the proxy settings to nothing through phpmyadmin, and have restarted the IIS instance, as well as the server. And I have toggled the firewall on and off.

Edit: Now it is saying “took too long to respond” instead of “connection refused.”

If you’re directly modifying the database, then those changes won’t be applied.

You also need to clear the “cache” directory in the CMS library. Delete any files in that cache directory, and then it should load the settings from the database.

I just tried that now.

From localhost it’s "localhost refused to connect"
from within the network on another machine, it’s “_____ took too long to respond”

I have spiceworks installed as well, but it hasn’t given me any issues. I stopped the process, and it’s running on port 8084. Xibo is 80.

There’s no firewall blocking access perhaps?

edit3: Ok I’m dumb. I checked “Force HTTPS” in the gui. That was what caused the connection refused. Clearing cache does not commit changes thru phpmyadmin though.

Had to add a binding in IIS for https. Then was able to connect.

Open IIS
Default web site > edit bindings
HTTPS, use localhost cert

Then connect to xibo normally in browser.

Uncheck the Force HTTPS option in Settings > Network

But now my dataset ticker regions are saying

unexpected error, please contact support

Tried clearing cache, restoring the old cache, and making new datasets.

What’s shown in the CMS log?

1485 fd5ed18 2018-03-12 10:49 WEB GET ERROR /playlist/widget/resource/27/31 Undefined offset: 1 Exception Type: ErrorException
1506 9e977a8 2018-03-12 10:49 WEB GET ERROR /playlist/widget/resource/47/54 Undefined offset: 1 Exception Type: ErrorException
2004 1d4cd9e 2018-03-12 10:50 WEB GET ERROR /playlist/widget/resource/27/31 Undefined offset: 1 Exception Type: ErrorException
2024 9e570cd 2018-03-12 10:50 WEB GET ERROR /playlist/widget/resource/27/31 Undefined offset: 1 Exception Type: ErrorException
2046 ead912b 2018-03-12 10:50 WEB GET ERROR /playlist/widget/resource/47/54 Undefined offset: 1 Exception Type: ErrorException
2102 a3cfe52 2018-03-12 10:50 WEB GET ERROR /playlist/widget/resource/47/54 Undefined offset: 1 Exception Type: ErrorException

Restoring old cache is a bad idea. I definitely wouldn’t recommend that.

Is that the complete text of the error you get?

Oh, I’ve removed the old cache files now.

The logs are extremely verbose, even though I have them set to error right now. Is there somewhere besides the cms gui I should get the logs from? I filtered for “Error” level logs since there were 150 pages of logs even after truncating and just hitting “Preview layout” after.

The CMS gui is the best place to look at the logs. I’m not sure where else you’d want to look at them?

150 pages from one click sounds very unlikely. Perhaps there’s something more serious underlying this. As it’s a custom install we’ll do what we can to help out, but it makes it significantly harder for us to assist.

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Oh shoot…server was in test mode. Changed to production and that fixed my issue.

I’m sorry for being so stupid. Hopefully someone learns from my two mistakes today. Thanks Alex!

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Glad we got there in the end :slight_smile: