CMS web page can not load

To be completed by the original poster:

CMS Version

Version 3.3.2.

Installation Method


Operating System

Ubuntu Linux 20.04.6


Hi, I’m installing xibo for docker. To do this I followed the steps in this link Xibo CMS with Docker on Ubuntu 22.04. After executing the “docker-compose up -d” instruction I tried to access the CMS for the first time but the page does not load. To avoid problems with the firewall I disabled the Ubuntu server firewall but the page does not load. The docker ps command shows the following:


The message is displayed in the browser:
Fatal Error - sorry this shouldn’t happen.
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Try again

It’s a change in Docker that breaks the older files. I would install 4.1.2 (or latest release) and that should work. The process is exactly the same as the guide, only you download the docker-compose files for 4.1.2 rather than 3.3.x

Hi Alex,

What do I do with the docker containers?

How do I delete everything and start over?

Is it necessary delete all containers to do a new installation of version 4?


docker-compose down
rm -rf shared

Will reset things fully.

Good evening,
Thanks for your help.