CMS installation - Large File Uploads

an hosting supplier say me that is not possible to configure post_max_size and upload_max_size over a value of 100M, is it enough to install Cms with a good work of Xibo? and is it enough a Mysql database space of 1Gb for to begin?
i have unlimited web space, no limits for library saving contents.

I answered your other post :smiley:

If you are happy with being able to upload files no bigger then yes and a 1GB database is more than enough, unless you are running 100’s of displays

Dear Dan,

Thanks for reply! But if possible to explain me what You mean for “no bigger” files to upload with 100M value. What’s the limit?Can i have a lot of users that upload contents on their displays simultaneously?For database size, i’ll inc‎rease it on base of project expansion.

Best regards,


post_max_size and upload_max_size control the maximum allowed size of each individual file uploaded. You could have 1000’s of 99MB files, but no 101MB files.