Client not showing any content

Hi I am using CMS 1.7.8 on XAMPP and client 1.7.8 and am having problems to have the client showing any content. It just stops at the splash screen.
In errors I get that the layout is not valid but in the CMS I can see that the layout is valid. I just reinstalled everything but no luck.
What can I do to make this work, I have been dealing with this for weeks??

Could you show us a screenshot of status window on your player please?

Ok I got the status window and I will send you a screenshot of the CMS shortly

Here are the layouts

Any ideas??

And here is it showing the layout is fine

Could you please open php.ini, find this line
always_populate_raw_post_data -1 and make sure it’s not commented out (no ; before that line in php.ini)
restart your web server

Restart your player and see if it will work better.

Yessss you made my day. :slight_smile: this worked.

I have an other problem completely different.
I am trying to pull a feed from a page but that is not happening.
I am using a Ticker is there any trick there??

mm wordpress feeds should work fine.

If you’d go to Appearance tab
select the template and tick the ‘Override the template’ checkbox you can add for example:


Those standard tags will work fine.

Will have it’s formatting removed because it is providing its own HTML.
You could style that with CSS in the style sheet box.

You will probably also want to select some effect (whichever you prefer) to display one item at a time.

Ok no luck with that,
I tried another feed from an Icelandic newspaper and that worked fine right when I pressed save…
I have also been working on this for weeks.
I tried to put the feed in a Chrome feed reader and that worked fine
I am using this feed on my Sharepoint site and that works fine

This just will not appear where it is supposed to do.
Is it better to user Wix or some other site, but I simply want to put some announcements there.

hm that’s odd, when I said it should fine, what I really meant is I tried it with your feed url :slight_smile:

so for example with only [Title] on appearance tab (and effect selected) it shows:

Nothing fancy about it, just a standard template, you can download this layout from here.

What do you mean by that please? Does it show anything in layout designer or is it empty?

Thanks will try this hope for some luck there too…
No I just meant that I can use this feed anywhere else but where it was supposed to be used :slight_smile: this was a frustration :slight_smile:

No luck this layout did not work I am thinking is there something in my XAMPP? But still I can use another feed easily
I am out of ideas and I have to make it work. :disappointed_relieved:

Ok I just tried to use a Weebly feed and that worked fine :slight_smile: I just have to change to Weebly since Wordpress doesn’t work for me.
Thanks for the help.

That’s fine, I’m glad that you found a work around for this issue.

I’m not certain why it didn’t work with wordpress, you could try enabling debugging for your CMS and check logs for errors, although if weebly is fine for you then I guess that also solves the problem.

ok one last question I am trying to get the content on my feed bigger do you have a CSS for that??

Or get rid of this square bracket in description

hmm that feed is not easy to read.

That being said it looks to me that you can strip <div></div> tags and you should have control over it.

So, Edit ticker → advanced tab → strip tags