My Android Client (newset Version) crashes after a while (2-4 hours) and do not start again. When I start it, it works again for some hours (minix Z64). My Server Version ist Docker 1.8.2. On other players the same layout works without any problem. What could cause this? I have about 20 pictures in one layout and 8 videos.
Thanks in advance!
I’d expect z64 to handle this without problems, if there would be an issue with certain image or video, like very high resolution, bitrate etc that it would probably cause problems on all devices.
Are there any error sent from the player to the CMS?
You might need to enable auditing on the display and assign display profile with audit log level to it, then it will send more logs to the CMS.
If the application crashes then I’d expect that Android should restart it, you can double check if it’s set to restart in the display profile assigned to it.
to answer your questions:
A. The Errors are:
1.1. Unable to resolve host “”: No address associated with hostname
1.2 Application Not Responding detected.
B. automatic restart is assigned to the display profile
The bitrate of the video (incl. Audio) is: 3765 kBit/s
Bitrate should be fine, I had videos with much larger bitrate running fine on z64.
The unable to resolve host, could imply connection issues, however if it’s not persisting it’s not a big issue and it should not have an impact on a layout playback.
Now Application not responding, that certainly could be a problem, I would not expect such issues on this device, could you enable auditing/ audit log level display profile on this device and see if it will log anything else?
Update: After cleaning the “cache” and “other files” in settings/memory of the player the client works again. Maybe faulty download of the videos or other content. Yours Mark
I have the same problem, with DSCS9, last xibo client and server (docker).
After some days of test I upgraded all my 17 android clients, and redirected them to the new server (now in https, previously they were connected to 1.7.9 in http).
Today in four of them xibo crashed multiple times, and it didn’t restart, I had to restart it manually.
I did enable audit log in one of them, but didn’t see nothing worth mention.
XMR is not configured.
I don’t see an option to clean the cache in settings, and I tried to find the cache folder using filebrowser (under /storage/emulated/0), but I can’t find it.
Lack of XMR should not cause them to crash, it would be good to configure it though, especially if you’re running docker, pretty much everything is already configured, you’d just need to enter your XMR public address in CMS Settings.
Player cache can be cleared by Open&save on the Display or display Profile edit forms, full clear can be of course done on the Android side as well (but that will require you to reconfigure the player CMS access).
With auditing enabled I’d expect it to log something useful, could you tell me what kind of content were those devices playing?
I enabled XMR, and forwarded 9505 on the firewall. The devices are XMR registered, but commands are still not working.
Anyway, I’ll make other tests and maybe open another thread for this.
I found the “Clear Cached Data” tick, and it’s enabled.
With auditing enabled, I see this error:
Unable to start XMR queue: class java.lang.NullPointerException/Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘int java.lang.String.lastIndexOf(int)’ on a null object reference
One of the crashing players have a very simple layout, just a background and a feed with a flip vertical effect.
I tried to recreate the layout from scratch, but it still hangs (still testing,anyway). Anyway today that player did something stranger, xibo was running and logging, but the android screensaver was playing over it.
Today only this player crashed. It was a “full crash”, I mean it stopped logging.
I have the csv of the last 100 log rows, but I don’t see anything useful. If you want I can PM it to you.
Issues that ‘fix’ themselves are quite hard to pin point for us, although I’m glad that you had few days without crashes now.
I had various devices with various Xibo player versions running against different CMS Instances with and without XMR configured, I did not encounter any crashing because of that.
Perhaps there is something else that’s causing it, but I’d say it’s unlikely something with your layout or XMR itself, for layout to crash android player, you’d need some really high bitrate video perhaps, although even then I’d rather expect the device to refuse to play it than to crash