Cant upload any images over 1 MB

Hi There,

I can’t upload any images over 1 MB. I have checked the php.ini file and everything is set to the spec that you have given to others with a similar issue. The weirdest part is that when I first installed it I was able to upload an 8 MB image but then i go to upload a 2nd and it won’t work. Both are png’s.

This is the error I’m getting:

I also found this in the Debugging Error Logs:

Hand off to Upload Handler with options: {“userId”:1,“controller”:{},“oldMediaId”:null,“widgetId”:null,“updateInLayouts”:0,“deleteOldRevisions”:0,“allowMediaTypeChange”:0,“playlistId”:null,“upload_dir”:“/var/www/cms/library/temp/”,“download_via_php”:true,“script_url”:“/library”,“upload_url”:“/library”,“image_versions”:,“accept_file_types”:“/\.mp3|wav|swf|ttf|otf|eot|svg|woff|apk|ipk|js|html|htm|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|gif|pdf|ppt|pps|pptx|wmv|avi|mpg|mpeg|webm|mp4$/i”,“libraryLimit”:0,“libraryQuotaFull”:false}

I’m on CMS Version 1.8.3 using Docker.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: just upgraded to CMS 1.8.4 and still having the same issue.

are you using any kind of proxy (nginx etc)?

the request entity too large is a webserver error that happens before php / xibo as far as I recall

Yes we are using an nginx reverse proxy.

perhaps client_max_body_size or similar setting is missing in nginx configuration then?

It seems there was a similar issue here - Cannot upload video files? Error "Request Entity Too Large"

Side note - no need to keep deleting / editing your posts, I can remove one of them if you want or it will be removed automatically in 24 hours

I will check and get back too you.

And sorry about that i didn’t think the first one was a reply to you so i deleted it and did it again.

Thank you so much that worked, we’re new to nginx and using reverse proxy’s so we didn’t know we had to do that.

I’m glad to hear that!