I am using Version 1.7.6 cms and client. (Windows)
No matter what I have tried I cannot get the rss feed to show up using a ticker.
I have embedded objects, web pages, etc and they all work, just can’t get the rss feed to work.
Nothing displays in the region where I have the ticker.
Is there an example for this version to get the xibo.uk.org/feed working?
http://xibo.org.uk/feed/ should work just fine (it does for us)
Did you notice any errors in logs? (you might need to enable debugging on the report fault page)
Perhaps curl is causing you problems? Using Tickers, Forecast, Twitter and other external resources that make use of HTTPS connections
Thanks Peter.
Does this version of xibo rely on the CMS getting the rss feed?
The old version of xibo I have gets the rss feed from the client and it is still working (ancient version 1.2.2)
I have set up a new server and am trying to get everything working.
It’s quite possible that it was changed since 1.2.2, a lot of things has changed since then.
The best way to troubleshoot would to look at the CMS logs.