Cannot Delete Display

I have a display that was having issues. the player was uninstalled (version 1.7.9) and then reinstalled (version 1.8.2 -
content directory was deleted before reinstalling). A new display entry was created on the CMS. I am unable to delete the old display from the CMS.

The following error is shown:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (xibo.lkdisplaydg, CONSTRAINTlkdisplaydg_ibfk_2FOREIGN KEY (DisplayID) REFERENCESdisplay(displayid)) Exception Type: PDOException

I am running Xibo version 1.8.1

Is that a fresh 1.8.1 installation or was it an upgrade from 1.7.9? If it was an upgrade, were there any issues during the upgrade process?
Also is it running on docker or webserver?

I’d highly recommend upgrade to 1.8.2 as there were a lot of issues fixed in that release, however I don’t recall this particular problem, it does seem more like a post-upgrade issue, you should be able to remove the display record directly in mysql - before you do that, please confirm that the issue persist in 1.8.2.