At school, we’re using the newest version of the xibo cms on our own server and the newest version of the player on a Windows 7 PC. I embedded a webpage, with contains new JS, but can’t see it on display, after research, I came to the result, that the player uses IE v8.
My question, how can I cange the Browser to IE 11 or to Chrome, Firefox,...
You’ll want to install IE 11 (if you haven’t already) and then make change in WIndows registry regarding browser emulation, as described here Enabling HTML5 in the Windows .net Player
hmm did you change that registry key in the right part (depending on your OS architecture 32/64 bit it’s a bit different) as described in the post I linked earlier - Enabling HTML5 in the Windows .net Player
THANK YOU, The post was very helpfull ! I was able to change the Browser. But I’ve another Problem with the Browser. The Browser is saying that there’s a Stack overflow at line 1559! I attach a picture from the Problem. Can you help me ? The Problem can’t be the website, because the normal IE don’t show the Problem!
Xibo just loads the website using the Internet Explorer ActiveX control. It has no input to it other than that, so it has to be an issue with the website I’m afraid.
Okay Thanks Alex. Can you say, what the Problem could be ? The Website works perfectly on every Browser also on normal IE 11… In general it’s an simple HTML site, which shows if an teacher is ill. Sometimes a lot of them arn’t in School, so the page is to long for Display. In Cases like this, the website uses JQuery so show first the start, then the content under screen border and so on.
I need your help ! Iˋm not able to find the problem from Website. Can you help me ? The URL is the website should only scroll if the table is to long. I don´t know, how to fix the issue.