Black screen with mouse

Upgraded a machine to Windows 10 and tried putting xibo screensaver on it… Same problem as before (black screen with mouse), but this time, nothing seems to be fixing the issue, even what originally worked for me (dumping all contents on the desktop). I have no idea what could be causing this.

I downgraded the machine back to Windows 7 and now the screensaver only runs once and then never again… uhg

edit: Just discovered something by accident…

It turns out the xibo process doesn’t terminate until ctrl+alt+del is pressed. Once that sequence is pressed, the process is killed and the screensaver works after the timeout. So I’m starting to think that this is what’s causing windows 10 to display the black screen with mouse until ctrl+alt+del is pressed - the process must still be running, but crashes in a different way to what it does in Windows 7… the problem is exactly the same as what’s descried in this post: Xibo screensaver ONE-TIME-ONLY behavior - Sadly no solution though