Back to api : change layout


this is the screen i got every thing seems to be ok but the layout don’t change

something strange i can’t see change layout in the swagger ui the list of api calls

a php script i wrote some months ago don’t work anymore (i changed layoutid and displaygroupid)

i noticed something different i didn’t create displaygroup : i have too screens one is in the displaygroup number one and the other in the displaygroup number 2 as you can see below :

“displayId”: 2,
“auditingUntil”: 0,
“display”: “DESKTOP-JNIFA0D”,
“description”: null,
“defaultLayoutId”: 6,
“license”: “cf75616f10ce27243bbc94fcaea3626c”,
“licensed”: 1,
“loggedIn”: 0,
“lastAccessed”: 1540247986,
“incSchedule”: 0,
“emailAlert”: 0,
“alertTimeout”: 0,
“clientAddress”: “”,
“mediaInventoryStatus”: 3,
“macAddress”: “94:B8:6D:76:98:41”,
“lastChanged”: null,
“numberOfMacAddressChanges”: 0,
“lastWakeOnLanCommandSent”: null,
“wakeOnLanEnabled”: 0,
“wakeOnLanTime”: null,
“broadCastAddress”: null,
“secureOn”: null,
“cidr”: null,
“latitude”: null,
“longitude”: null,
“versionInstructions”: null,
“clientType”: “windows”,
“clientVersion”: “1.8.10”,
“clientCode”: 132,
“displayProfileId”: 2,
“currentLayoutId”: null,
“screenShotRequested”: 0,
“storageAvailableSpace”: “893814063104”,
“storageTotalSpace”: “977631440896”,
“displayGroupId”: 2,
“currentLayout”: null,
“xmrChannel”: “2d6420d029f8aa8e08086edb6c21eeb9”,
“xmrPubKey”: “-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCwexExrLDj1VUO3eG479GL3hdh\nPe0A0detEkCKAhrdDUWEtMtWvJKFXV7l3f9kBAQGwLuyXQAUo7GgTHG8Hi+NsrpW\nkdC2F5aSn02dPtGM8jfCNZdjAwrWWJn7c4HfWyZfKAo+vRyEAYNqJIkbpdUX7tW7\n2JvNNbuTinvoXZN9BwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----”,
“lastCommandSuccess”: 0,
“deviceName”: “DESKTOP-JNIFA0D”,
“timeZone”: null,
“tags”: null
“displayId”: 1,
“auditingUntil”: 0,
“display”: “HILIFE”,
“description”: null,
“defaultLayoutId”: 3,
“license”: “39fe035487d44fac0e507b1828647975”,
“licensed”: 1,
“loggedIn”: 0,
“lastAccessed”: 1540289987,
“incSchedule”: 0,
“emailAlert”: 0,
“alertTimeout”: 0,
“clientAddress”: “”,
“mediaInventoryStatus”: 1,
“macAddress”: “40:16:7E:90:53:5B”,
“lastChanged”: null,
“numberOfMacAddressChanges”: 0,
“lastWakeOnLanCommandSent”: null,
“wakeOnLanEnabled”: 0,
“wakeOnLanTime”: null,
“broadCastAddress”: null,
“secureOn”: null,
“cidr”: null,
“latitude”: null,
“longitude”: null,
“versionInstructions”: null,
“clientType”: “windows”,
“clientVersion”: “1.8.10”,
“clientCode”: 132,
“displayProfileId”: 2,
“currentLayoutId”: null,
“screenShotRequested”: 0,
“storageAvailableSpace”: “4982231040”,
“storageTotalSpace”: “29825675264”,
“displayGroupId”: 1,
“currentLayout”: null,
“defaultLayout”: “Default Layout datizme paysage”,
“xmrChannel”: “4e22c030e2a1629c736b818cf2cfe4a6”,
“xmrPubKey”: “-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCSZcTw7uuasP61QfrgBMs4IzKN\ncRsG+sFY+OF33Q7j0Jwu58sF6vicWVwgeXaI7vsnrssxxKvVbI8TRifdKBXMqWkv\nV9qtRn7xGlgCYHHlgQ3gpohgN8LookVGlPt6B5u+T2nyPgkIbkBm06F56B0l02rs\n0DbgOr6ZPALKdkviuQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----”,
“lastCommandSuccess”: 0,
“deviceName”: “HILIFE”,
“timeZone”: null,
“tags”: null

is there another way to change layout ?


Those are displays not display groups. If you get a listing of display groups, you’ll see there’s a hidden group for each display that contains only that one display. It’s that display group ID that you need to pass in.


i thank you for your answer and your patience but i see here :

Another interesting call in our test .json collection from this guide is:
Action: Change layout

You’ll need displayGroupId and layoutId
You can call GET Displays to get displayGroupId - each display has it’s own unique displayGroupId

it’s what i did i made the get displays api call to have the displaygroupid

because i didn’t create any displaygroup

in a post you talk about hidden displaygroupid i didn’t understand what you mean

i think i follow the guide in a right way but the layout don’t change

thanks for your patience


i’m so sorry i wonder if i will go on discovering this fantastic tool

the way i was using xmr was wrong i used http iinstead of tcp :confused:


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