Android4.4.2 html5

I can not display this URL with xibo, but I do not know how.
Hardware uses this.

The above web page is xibo’s android
The webpage was displayed by player, but the body is not displayed.
I have confirmed the standard browser of android, confirmation with chrome, display from PC to IE.

please tell me.

I’ve run this webpage in Open natively option on two of my devices ( 4.4.4 and 6.0 Android versions).

On newer device it did show the webpage, similar to what I can see in Chrome, but I don’t think it likes those animations on images though.

On the older device I’ve only seen the top of the page (green bar with logo), rest of the page was not loaded (white screen).
I do get the exactly the same when I try to open it in the default android browser on that device.

The only error in the log cat as far as I can tell for now is:

It has to be something hat does not seem to be ok for older android versions and therefore webView versions (and by extension Xibo player)