The old data of MINIX device on Display Dashboard is next:
Dispay ID Licence Display …Logged In …IP Address MAC Address…Status
10 OK Green_space OK ip_address mac_address OK
I have moved the MINIX device from Green_space to Red_space, but there is no display on the Display Dashboard now for this device, so I must create new Display ID or do I must reuse the same Display ID with another IP address?
In Xibo Dashboard I can not to find to create new Display ID or reuse the same Display ID for new presentation on monitor.
Display records on the Displays page in CMS are created when you connect a new device to the CMS.
If you set the same hardware key in Xibo for Android settings (display ID on windows player options -> advanced options) as the exiting one in the CMS, then as far as CMS will be concerned it will be the same device.
I think that the Display ID is same as before, old MINIX device doesn’t work correctly on new plazma, but on Display Page there is no Looged In. It must be reset the MINIX device or reset server. Please answer for next question, how I can reset the server?
Can we see a screenshot of Displays page for this display record please?
If it is logged in to the CMS with up to date status then that would imply it can reach the cms and download the content, in which I’d also like to see a screenshot of status window on the player.
Well that’s a blast from the past, it is a very old CMS version you have there.
I’d really highly recommend to use at least 1.7 series.
You could try changing the hardware key on this player and then connect it to the CMS again, it will create a new display record on the Displays table, assuming it can maintain connection to the CMS it should be able to download your scheduled content once you schedule it.