Activate License on Secure Lan

Hi There,

I am running Xibo a company Lan. For security reasons the Clients do not have acces to internet.
No problem with the Windows client but we want to run android clients as well.
Currently I need a Internet connection ti activate a Android Client.
Is there a way around this?

Kind regards


You’d need to purchase on-premise (offline) licence module then you will be able to licence your devices without internet connection.
For more details please see - Licencing your Xibo for Android Display and On-premise licensing


Can I move this Offline module from one CMS to another.
I am currently still using a Synology NAS but will mover to a proper Server later.

Kind regards

On-premise(offline) licence is tied to the android licence pool, so it should be fine.
Although you might need to go over the offline licencing process again when you switch the servers - ie generate request.txt from a new server and so on.

Hi Peter,

Installed the on-Premise licensing today.
Works fine.
Only had some problems with the rights of the individual files.
Installing it as root did not place the files in the right user groups obviously. And my knowledge of unix is not very big.
What is the best way to go if the Android.txt needs to be updated due to new devices.

Kind regards

You’d need to recreate the steps you did the first time.

ie in a very short version, make sure new devices are in the request.txt upload it to portal, download android.txt.