I installed xibo 1.8.7 with docker on a vm at address, connecting to works no problem.
I have a reverse proxy configured on another vm to give out https[dot]example[at]com/xibo but if I access it, it’ll take out the “xibo” and add “login” instead. I end up with https[dot]example[at]com/login and it brings me to :
The requested URL /login was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at example[at]com Port 80
If I add the xibo part manually (https[dot]example[at]com/xibo/login) it goes to the CMS until I click somewhere and it goes back to not working becasue it took out the “xibo” part again.
I have a working xibo config that was installed by someone else, it’s version 1.7.6 and it works on https://example.net/xibo, so I know it is possible to do without docker.
Here’s the nginx config (copy pasta from the working config changed to this one) :
I checked the config.env on the xibo server and the CMS_ALIAS is already uncommented.
Here’s a copy/pasta:
## CMS Configuration
## Please make a copy of this file as config.env, and then
## edit it to suit your environment
## The CMS brings its own MySQL server to store your
## data.
## On a new installation, we need to create a user account for the CMS to
## connect to that database with. What password should
## that account use? Enter a random password here.
## We recommend using a 16 character random upper/lower case
## and digits.
## You could for example use the random.org password generator
## here: https://www.random.org/passwords/?num=1&len=16&format=plain&rnd=new
## alpha-numeric (ie A-Z a-z 0-9) passwords of around 16 characters. The
## random generator linked above will give you something suitable.
## If you're upgrading an existing installation, be sure to use the correct
## password for the cms user account in the MySQL database (ie what you had in
## this variable previously).
## SMTP Server Configuration
## The CMS needs to be able to send email to you
## Please enter credentials for a suitable SMTP server
## Defaults will work for GMail - replacing your GMail username
## and password as appropriate. You will also need to enable access
## for less secure applications on your GMail account for this to
## work. See https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255
## SMTP Server Hostname
## SMTP Username
## SMTP Password
## Use a TLS Connection YES/NO
## Use a STARTTLS Connection YES/NO
## Rewrite domain (the domain your email will appear to come from)
## Hostname that we should identify ourself to the remote server as
## Can the From line be overridden in the outbound email
## NB GMail will rewrite the From address anyway so it's not important
## for GMail - YES/NO
## It is sometimes necessary to configure the webserver running inside
## the container to know the DNS name by which you will normally
## access the CMS. For most installations this is unnecessary and can
## be left as default, however, if you know this, it won't hurt to
## set it
## Sometimes you want Xibo to run in a sub directory of the webserver
## rather than at the root. If so, specify it here. Comment it out to
## use the web root.
## Xibo comes with a 2GB limit for individual file uploads
## If you require larger files, uncomment the following and adjust as
## required
I redid it just to be sure and it gave me these errors :
ERROR: for xibodocker187_cms-web_1 Cannot start service cms-web: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint xibodocker187_cms-web_1 (c086379dc8a6a4ede6d1ec5476ab119d94943f37310a1b8db55a8e30956136c2): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp listen: address already in use
ERROR: for cms-web Cannot start service cms-web: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint xibodocker187_cms-web_1 (c086379dc8a6a4ede6d1ec5476ab119d94943f37310a1b8db55a8e30956136c2): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp listen: address already in use
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
The error is telling you that you’re trying to launch Xibo on port 80 and there’s already something there. So either you have two instances running somehow, or you used a different docker-compose file last time
You’re proxying /xibo from your reverse proxy to / of the Xibo install. So Xibo sees the incomming request to / and therefore has no knowledge you’re using /xibo in the path. You need to proxy it to /xibo as well!