I am very pleased to announce our first Xibo Enthusiast award for 2024 with @ProServ - David Coudray joining our Xibo Hall of Fame.
Our award system is our way of showing appreciation to those that share their expertise, knowledge and Xibo experiences throughout the community.
@ProServ has provided such great support to many community members, assisting them with troubleshooting issues as well as offering advice drawn from own experiences.
David has provided this great introduction for me to share with the community.
“Having started my career with office printers (I had to start with something), I soon moved into IT, my passion since my childhood with MSDOS.
I heard about Xibo in 2016, and when we founded our company in 2019, we immediately included Xibo in our services, as a complement to our system and network solutions.
Today, digital signage is the only way to catch people’s eyes.
I’m convinced that Xibo meets every need, and I demonstrate this every day to our customers.
I’m aware of competing solutions, such as Otrum, Digilor, as well as proprietary solutions from LG/Samsung, …
But many French customers are looking for an OpenSource solution that’s flexible, complete and durable, and they like to have control over their data.
I like to help others, so I’m happy to participate in the Xibo community whenever I have a few minutes.”
David COUDRAY, ProServ Company, French partner.
@ProServ has been a member of the Xibo community since early 2020 and continues to be an exceptional supporter of the Xibo project and a great addition to our Xibo Hall of Fame.
Our community is an important part of Xibo development with conversations driving change and helping with the evolution of the software whether that be by actively beta testing or having an idea for a great new feature. We want to hear from you, start a conversation today