1.8.2 installation issues


Currently having issues installing 1.8.2. Extraction process, moving files all goes well, but (and feel free to correct me if I’m being stupid or missing something here) but when I #mv xibo-server-1.8.2 to /var/www/html/xibo, the .htaccess file from xibo/web goes missing. I’ve checked in the archive before extracting and it even comes up when I run tar -zxvf xibo-server-1.8.2 but then just isn’t in the /web folder post extraction

Can anyone advise on what to do or what I’m missing??


That sounds unlikely.

Is this on a Linux server? If so, are you using ls -al /var/www/html/xibo/web. Because the file starts with a ., it won’t be shown in a normal directory listing.

That makes a lot more sense. thanks for that :slight_smile:

Another issue I’m having is if I go to localhost/xibo it just lists the directory, and doesn’t go to the install.

I’ve read other forum posts about this that suggest in the .htaccess file ensuring the retwritebase line goes to the folder that xibo is installed in (/var/www/html/xibo in my case) which I have done, but it still does nothing?

You need to pop over to the manual and read the section on system requirements I suspect.

Only the “web” directory of the CMS should be served by your webserver. You can achieve that by changing the document root, or by using an alias or a symlink. The choice is yours.
