My CMS & client version: 1.7.x
I’ve already compared twitter.module.php between my version and 1.7.9 and there’s nothing related to this issue in it, so I’m fairly sure that upgrading to 1.7.9 won’t resolve this issue.
The issue I’m seeing: When I display tweets using “Full Twitter Time line”, the photo is not shown for some of the tweets that have a photo.
Here is a search term you can use to see the problem: from:cbcsports
Checking the “statuses” returned from Twitter in the CMS audit log, I found that Twitter is not providing a “media” for the tweets that are missing their photo. Checking the missing-photo tweets to see if they have anything in common with each other, I found something: they’re not originals; they’re retweets.
Is there any way to show a photo from a retweet?