Zoomed out Website shows black Screen

Player Version

Xibo for Windows v3 R309


I try to visualize a zoomed out website with Xibo.

  • The website is a dashboard from Azure DevOps.
  • Only with 80% zoom level the website is fully visible.

If I show it natively it works, but not everything is visible which should be visible.
In a 80% zoom level in Chrome all the data is visible.

So I tried to go to Configuration → Options → Manual Position Scale Percentage 80:

However that resulted in a black screen on the device with the player.

It looks like that in the CMS:

I would super appreciate if someone would let me know what to do here. :smiley:
I tried my best but failed sofar.

Apparently, the link you are trying to embed does not allow iframes.


Hi pitoco02,
Thanks for the feedback - do you have an idea for how I could solve this issue or a workaround?

If you are not an adiminstrator of the azure domain, there is no way to release the page to be embedded.
Note that this has nothing to do with Xibo’s CMS, but a feature of Azure itself that does not allow their webpage to be used as an iframe.

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