YouTube Javascript API Module - Free

Hello everyone,

I was checking out @Henrique_Lucas work with his new modules and noticed that they are considerably easier to create than in previous versions of Xibo.

I decided to create a very simple YouTube module based on the YouTube API’s JS.
The module takes a YouTube URL, processes it with a regex, and inserts the URL ID into the JS as required.

Super simple, but I thought it was cool to make and share with you how easy it is.

Feel free to improve it and use it in the official code if you’d like.

This module DOES NOT download YouTube videos to your Xibo Server, as this would violate YouTube’s terms of service.

YouTube Terms of Service

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Ficou felize em saber que conseguiu @pitoco02 espero que abra aporta pra mais desvolvedores poderem integrar mais modulos a xibo

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Now I beg you to pay attention to the documentation in this part of modules, tasks, data providers, etc., including more simple functional examples. I realize that it is an old issue that others have already mentioned years ago about the shallow documentation