XMR Reboot/Shutdown/ON Display - not working

CMS Version



We have tried to self-hosted doker cms to use commands and we have no idea why are not working.

XMR PA : tcp://89.39.xxx.xxx:9505
Command used:
svc power reboot
/system/bin/am start -n com.microcontrollerbg.dsdcec/.dsdcec --es “ceccommand” “off”
/system/bin/am start -n com.microcontrollerbg.dsdcec/.dsdcec --es “ceccommand” “on”
They only was working on xibo cloud CMS.

port 9505 opened
port 50001 opened locally
xmr reconfigure
request screen shot: working
xmr registered: true

error: Errno 43
error: HeartBeatEvent: XMR unresponsive, issue reconfigure. Last HeartBeat: 1 month, 15 hours, 41 minutes, 57 seconds and 532 milliseconds

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