I’m working on Xibo client for small embedded pc (somewhat similar to RasPi, but weaker) to display simple text on a single color led.
I have extracted some part of it and rewrite as a (hopefully) reusable library.
The first part is XLF parser and is available on github.
Note that it’s still an Introductory phase, not production ready, not even beta or alpha (you’ve been warned), but I’m eiger to share .
I’m also going to bring XMDS client as the following part after XLF parser, but for uncertain schedule.
The docs has always been useful since the beginning, usually writing code/impl is easier than docs/specs though.
Maybe not, it’s more like ‘fun vs …’, you mention it.
xlfparser and xmdsclient base code are extracted part of my current private project and then re-synced back.
As my private project only uses small portion of the library, not all functions are tested, only a trivial test during development.
An attempt to use/test the libraries thoroughly is my next opensource project, xibot which is not even being started, but put on github just because I like the name.
Please keep us informed - we’d be interested to see how the libraries develop as you use them more. Please keep in mind that XMDS is now versioned (as mentioned in the boring doc, lol ) - i’m not sure if you wanted to support that, but if you did then adding ?v=3, 4 or 5 to the URL will give you the corresponding WSDL.