Xibo Windows client not keeping configuration and drops off CMS after power outage

Xibo Client for Windows 3 R307.0

Two of my clients (running Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB) are consistantly dropping off the CMS for some strange reason.

We have regular rolling blackouts here in South Africa (called loadshedding) and whenever there is a powercut and the clients reconnect they have lost the configuration settings.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the client (with the latest version), I have also tried removing the client from the CMS. 3.2.1. Both result in the client reconnecting and working for a while until the power goes down, then the client is marked as “yellow” in the display list (not logged in)

When I remote to those client machines and chect the config (via Xibo Player Options) the CMS has set itself back to http://localhost and the CMS secret key is blank.

What I am now doing (sometimes twice a day) is to shut down the player and kill the watchdog, go to the Player Options, fill in the details and press connect. The first time it comes up with an error “Bad request”. I then go into the machines local Xibo Library and delete all the contents. When I go back to Player Options, the machine then connects to the CMS.

Then when the power goes down and I notice the player is yellow again on the CMS I rinse and repeat.

Any thoughts or suggestions. I will try to upgrade the CMS to 3.3.3, but what puzzles me is that the other clients work 100%. They also lose power, and are on identical machines with an identical OS.

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