Xibo WebOS - Errors in log

Hi there,

We have installed our first Xibo Player for WebOS against our on premises server and all seems to be working well. However when I request a screen shot I am shown this list of error messages:

  • logMessagesArray: [{“date”:“2023-02-22 09:42:36”,“category”:“audit”,“message”:“Error response from On Premise License server: {"errorCode":10005,"errorText":"Email is not set"}”,“onlyOnce”:false,“method”:“makeConnectionLogic”,“thread”:“LicenseManager.connectToServer”},{“date”:“2023-02-22 10:15:58”,“category”:“audit”,“message”:“Error response from License server: {"errorCode":10005,"errorText":"Email is not set"}”,“onlyOnce”:false,“method”:“makeConnectionLogic”,“thread”:“LicenseManager.connectToServer”},{“date”:“2023-02-22 10:15:58”,“category”:“audit”,“message”:“Error response from On Premise License server: {"errorCode":10005,"errorText":"Email is not set"}”,“onlyOnce”:false,“method”:“makeConnectionLogic”,“thread”:“LicenseManager.connectToServer”},{“date”:“2023-02-22 10:16:58”,“category”:“audit”,“message”:“Error response from License server: {"errorCode":10005,"errorText":"Email is not set"}”,“onlyOnce”:false,“method”:“makeConnectionLogic”,“thread”:“LicenseManager.connectToServer”},{“date”:“2023-02-22 10:16:58”,“category”:“audit”,“message”:“Error response from On Premise License server: {"errorCode":10005,"errorText":"Email is not set"}”,“onlyOnce”:false,“method”:“makeConnectionLogic”,“thread”:“LicenseManager.connectToServer”}]

Does any know how I can resolve this?


Hi John_Witts. The error logs you are seeing all state that you do not have an email address set for licensing the player. If you are testing the player and it is running on the 14 day trial then you can disregard these logs.
If you have entered a license pool code/email address but it is not licensing, please let me know in your reply.

Many Thanks.

We are running in the 14 day trial period but I do have a purchased license in the pool for this display. Will it retrieve the license once the trial period expires?


Thanks Dan,
That put me on the right track!
I have edited the settings for the screen and overridden the “Licence Code” to be the code from our Perpetual pool. Following a “Check Licence” command for the screen it is now showing as “Fully licensed” and the licence has been issued through our Perpetual portal page too.


Excellent news, I’m glad that is now resolved. The error logs should now stop as you have the license code/email set for the display. If they return, please let me know.

Many Thanks.

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