Installation Method
Custom install (XAMPP on Windows Server)
I have successfully upgraded my Xibo 2.3.10 to Xibo 3.0.0.
I’m running it on Windows Server 2012 R2, XAMPP 8 (PHP 8.0.7).
I had couple of errors upgrading, but I managed to solve them.
This is the guide how I did it.
Of course, first you must download Xibo 3.0.0 for WAMP (XAMPP), extract .zip file and replace your current “xibo” folder with this new one
Copy folder “app” from “vendor\robmorgan\phinx” to “vendor\bin”
Copy folder “src” from “vendor\robmorgan\phinx” to “vendor\bin\app”
In folder “vendor\bin” using Notepad edit file “phinx”:
change line:
$app = require DIR . ‘/…/app/phinx.php’;
$app = require DIR . ‘/app/phinx.php’; -
In folder “vendor\bin\app” using Notepad edit file “phinx.php”:
change line:
$autoloader = require DIR . ‘/…/src/composer_autoloader.php’;
$autoloader = require DIR .’/src/composer_autoloader.php’; -
Go to your Shell in XAMPP Control Panel, cd into your xibo installation
(you must be in your Xibo root folder, for example “c:\xampp\htdocs\xibo”) and run:
php vendor\bin\phinx migrate -c phinx.php
This will successfully migrate your Xibo database.
You should now have your Xibo 3.0.0 running.
If your Xibo 3.0.0 layout is distorted and buggy (like mine was), do the following:
- Copy folder “dist” from “xibo\web” to “xibo” root folder and rename it to “webdist”
- Copy folder “theme” from “xibo\web” to “xibo” root folder and rename it to “webtheme”
Refresh you Xibo site and it should look normal now.
As I said, I’m running it on XAMPP 8 (PHP 8.0.7) on Windows Server and this worked for me.