Xibo on Promethean board

Our district has 350+ Promethean display panels each running Android 8.0

Could Xibo be configured to run directly on these panels instead of adding a media player box to each?

Thanks so much

Ed Crist
Dir of Technology
Norwin School District

Welcome to the community ED_CRIST!

You would need to test if the Xibo for Android player can be installed directly onto a Promethean board so you can see if the player does indeed function without an attached media device. You can download the latest player APK from this link.
To install the player, copy the APK to a USB and connect that to your device. You can use a file browser app to locate the APK on the USB and select it to begin the installation process. If the player installs successfully, please open it and see if you can connect to a CMS. We offer free trials on Xibo cloud for CMS instances and the player has a 14 day trial built in as well.

If you could update this topic with your experience of using Xibo for Android with your Promethean display that would be very helpful for the community. It’s always good to know how different devices have worked with the Xibo players.

Many Thanks.