Xibo not starting automatically on Sony Bravia with Android 10

Hi folks,

we got a new Sony Bravia X85L with Android 10 running. Everything works fine, expect the Xibo autostart. On older devices its working without any issues. (cms 1.8.11 / player v1.8 R108).

I’ve set up a test environment with cms 3.3.7 and player v3 R312 but still not working. App-start is activated in the profile and the profile is assigned to the player.

Any suggestions?

Best regards

Hi @Charles , and Welcome to the Xibo Community!

Please can you try installing the latest player Xibo for Android | v4 R404 Released and let us know if the issue persists?

Hi @Frazer,
I’ve installed Player v4 R404 but still no autostart.

Please can you check that the Xibo app has the permission enabled to ‘Display over other apps’?

Please can you also navigate to Settings > Apps > Special app access > ‘Energy optimisation’ and check that Energy optimisation is disabled for Xibo?

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I’ve disabled it.

Where can I check the “Display over other apps” permission?

Thanks a lot

You should be able to find that by going to Settings > Apps > Special app access > Display over other apps

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after a fresh install of the v4_R404 I could activate “Display over other apps”, but nothing changed.

I did a factory reset on the TV and installed the v4_R404. At first it didnt worked. After activating the setting you suggested, it worked :smiley: Thank you Frazer. Propably i broke something by installing to many versions of Xibo.

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FYI another alternative is to go into Sony Bravia’s “Pro Mode” and to specify a custom app to launch at startup – you’d select Xibo from the menu in the Pro Mode – otherwise you could target it by specifying the app uk.org.xibo.client as the app to launch, and you’ll be launching its MainActivity

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