Xibo for real estate agency


I’m currently working on a project with a real estate agency, and I found a solution that works but is not that great.

Here is what I want to achieve :
First layout :
The logo is showing with a nice Fade In Fade Out effect

Second layout :
Some ads with a nice template are displayed on the screen. Only the ads have transitions, the other elements stays still.

Third Layout :
A video

But there is one trouble if I build a compaign with three layouts. I can’t choose if an ads is only displayed for a month and other for two !
But I can’t either make a layout for each, because there will be a flash between the two of them (There is a clock in template) and it will not be as great as it could. Another trouble is the ticker we have, it’s reseting every time a new ads is showed.

So the solution we find is this one :

First Layout :
Only the content that we want to plan is showing here, not the other elements like the clock

First overlay :
The template for the ads. It is always displayed

Second Overlay :
The video. Only Displayed every 20m. Because it has repetition, it shows in front of the first overlay

Third Overlay :
The logo. Displayed just after the video

This way we can show what we want.
My two questions :

  • Is this a good way to do what I want to do ? Is this stable ? (I’m testing it)
  • Why not add a compaign in overlay, or add a way to handle a template.with multiple planned ads ?

Thanks for your work :wink:

Rodolphe from A2Display

I don’t think we’ve tested it, but I believe it should be ok.

Campaigns are indeed not included in the overlay schedule, as it’s not designed with them in mind.

I think what would help you is fully implemented playlists feature, but that will come in 1.9 series - I appreciate that it’s not really helpful right now.

If the overlays scheduled like that look good for you, then that could be a good work-around ish for now.