Xibo Currencies Module - Time Result Failure

Hello, my Xibo(version 2.0.2) runs on IIS 8.5, i installed currencies module then i configured the widget from layout designer but when i press get results button, i am getting wrong time, it is not synchronous with CMS time. (My timezone is Europe/Istanbul in php.ini file), Where currencies module get the time information?

Welcome to the community!

The time you are seeing in ‘Results’ is the last time the data was refreshed in UTC, does that pose a problem for you? If so could you please give us further information as to what you would like to achieve?

Thank you

Hello again and thanks for your interest,
Our time zone in Istanbul is UTC +3 and the cache period of currencies module is 3600 seconds in module settings. So i am expecting to see maximum one hour time difference. But in my case there is 3 hours time difference. I think my currencies api synchronizing with Alpha Vantage servers in one hour periodicity. Am i right? Maybe this situation can be related with XTR, how can i be sure that my widget sync task works properly?

All is working as expected as the time returned by Alpha Vantage is UTC which is current for your timezone.