Xibo Content on User PC

Player Version

V3 R305.1


A user would like to see the content from the Xibo display on his computer. He doesn’t have time to stand in front of the TV in the shop where the xibo display is running. It would be nice if he could see the content of the display without having to stand in front of it. I know that I could install the xibo player on his PC, and he could run it anytime he wants to see the data. I could also rename the watchdog so it doesn’t automatically start when the player is closed. The xibo interface is not end-user-friendly. So, he may not remember how to close it and get back to work. Is there any xibo player that gives a basic window to the application so that it can be closed?

I haven’t tested it myself, but there is an option of installing Xibo player as screensaver - Documentation | Xibo Digital Signage
Would that work?

I didn’t know that! I am still running V3. Is the screensaver available with v3, or only on v4? The screensaver would be an ideal option if I can figure it out.

If I remember correctly, it was already in the manual before v4, therefore should work with v3.

This is great! I will give it a shot. I found the .scr file in the player folder.
Thank you!

Mybe a tip, I recognize the problem, I created A Windows Client with a smaller resolution, e.g. 960x 540
You can close the window with Alt-F4

You can also preview a layout. You’ll get a preview link from the layouts section by right clicking the arrow down button at the right side of the layout field and selecting “preview layout”. The link should look like “https://xibo.example.com/layout/preview/444”. He’d need a Xibo user though to access this view and he’ll only see the contents of the layout, not the campaign. It’d be great if this view could be embedded in an iframe for example. Alas, at the moment it is restricted. It’d be nice if there was a setting that could add sources that are allowed to embedd the preview view.

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