We’re pleased to announce the latest CMS release, Xibo version 4.2.0! The codename for this version is “Kopff”.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://xibosignage.com/blog/4-2-0-released
We’re pleased to announce the latest CMS release, Xibo version 4.2.0! The codename for this version is “Kopff”.
Thank you for the great Release. It is very fast and useful.
i miss something in the documentation. In Germany we get the CAP Feed in json Format. Maybe Xibo need it in XML. There is no validation or hint in the documentation. It doesn’t show anything
i tried:
Excited to hear that ChromeOS support is coming!
Found this error during migration proccess:
== 20250121120000 UpsertCoreEmergencyAlertInModule: migrating
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘AS newRow
enabled = new…’ at line 2 in C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Db\Adapter\PdoAdapter.php:192
Stack trace:
#0 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Db\Adapter\PdoAdapter.php(192): PDO->exec()
#1 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Db\Adapter\AdapterWrapper.php(157): Phinx\Db\Adapter\PdoAdapter->execute()
#2 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration.php(199): Phinx\Db\Adapter\AdapterWrapper->execute()
#3 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\db\migrations\20250121120000_upsert_core_emergency_alert_in_module.php(34): Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration->execute()
#4 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Migration\Manager\Environment.php(108): UpsertCoreEmergencyAlertInModule->change()
#5 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Migration\Manager.php(388): Phinx\Migration\Manager\Environment->executeMigration()
#6 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Migration\Manager.php(359): Phinx\Migration\Manager->executeMigration()
#7 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Console\Command\Migrate.php(122): Phinx\Migration\Manager->migrate()
#8 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\symfony\console\Command\Command.php(298): Phinx\Console\Command\Migrate->execute()
#9 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php(1040): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run()
#10 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php(301): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand()
#11 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\src\Phinx\Console\PhinxApplication.php(70): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun()
#12 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\symfony\console\Application.php(171): Phinx\Console\PhinxApplication->doRun()
#13 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\robmorgan\phinx\bin\phinx(28): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run()
#14 C:\Files\CMS\MYCMS.COM\vendor\bin\phinx(119): include(‘…’)
#15 {main}
i’m using MariaDB 10.7.4
Had to change the migration file \db\migrations\20250115120000_add_national_weather_service_connector_migration.php
INSERT INTO `module` (`moduleId`, `enabled`, `previewEnabled`, `defaultDuration`, `settings`)
VALUES (\'core-emergency-alert\', \'1\', \'1\', \'60\', NULL) AS newRow
`enabled` = newRow.enabled,
`previewEnabled` = newRow.previewEnabled,
`defaultDuration` = newRow.defaultDuration,
`settings` = newRow.settings;
public function change(): void
// Insert or update core-emergency-alert into the module table
INSERT INTO `module` (`moduleId`, `enabled`, `previewEnabled`, `defaultDuration`, `settings`)
VALUES (\'core-emergency-alert\', \'1\', \'1\', \'60\', NULL)
`enabled` = VALUES(`enabled`),
`previewEnabled` = VALUES(`previewEnabled`),
`defaultDuration` = VALUES(`defaultDuration`),
`settings` = VALUES(`settings`);
Since MariaDB does not allow AS newRow
MariaDB isn’t officially supported, so I would swap to MySQL 8.0 which is the supported database engine.
Hi Alex!
Thanks for the answer.
Apart from this change I posted above, everything is running 100% fine with MariaDB.
This was the first time I saw an incompatibility of this type
Sure that’s fine. We don’t develop or test with it, and as you’ve found the syntax support is different so you’re more likely to hit issues if you use an alternative database to the one we recommend. Thanks for sharing your solution though
I’ll keep an eye on this and prepare a migration plan to MySQL 8 as recommended.
I’m running Windows/IIS and interestingly enough, XMR doesn’t start or run using the “new” config.json. I get no output at all when I run php xmr.phar.
If I copy the old one (
“listenOn”: “tcp://”,
“pubOn”: [“tcp://”, “tcp://”],
“debug”: true
it starts right up and runs fine. Any ideas on where to look or additional guidance? Would love to move away from relying on ZMQ given the trouble that has been lately.
Hi! @wer83
Check this topic:
6 posts were split to a new topic: Can’t install Xibo v4.2.0 on shared hosting
Hi everyone, i´m having some issues with the sync groups, i´m using 4 android devices with 4 tv´s to test the syncronization, the devices have android 7.1 and the latest apk, ante the lead device is always with a little delay, the other devices are well syncronized, but it´s always the lead device with delay no matter wich one i choose to be the lead.
The 4 devices are conected by ehternet to the same switch