Xibo-cms build failure

Hi, please help, I get to this point and cannot proceed further with error “Bind for failed: port is already allocated”

Step 13/15 : EXPOSE 80

—> Using cache

—> fa53b427e4ae

Step 14/15 : RUN mkdir -p /var/www/cms && mkdir -p /var/www/cms/library/temp && mkdir -p /var/www/cms/cache && mkdir -p /var/www/backup

—> Using cache

—> d8d5294ac0ab

Step 15/15 : CMD ["/entrypoint.sh"]

—> Using cache

—> 9dbaa200329b

Successfully built 9dbaa200329b

Successfully tagged xibo-cms_web:latest

xibo-cms_xmr_1 is up-to-date

xibo-cms_db_1 is up-to-date

Starting xibo-cms_swagger_1 …

Starting xibo-cms_swagger_1 … error

ERROR: for xibo-cms_swagger_1 Cannot start service swagger: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint xibo-cms_swagger_1 (84d3d6e8fbccc6ca4155c340760c9c55e2602b600bed9969eb713d8061bce529): Error starting userland proxy: Bind for failed: port is already allocated

ERROR: for swagger Cannot start service swagger: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint xibo-cms_swagger_1 (84d3d6e8fbccc6ca4155c340760c9c55e2602b600bed9969eb713d8061bce529): Error starting userland proxy: Bind for failed: port is already allocated

ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

That would imply that you already have some other service using port 8080.

If that is the case you can either stop that service or change the swagger port in Xibo docker compose file to different free port.