Xibo CMS 4.0.4 released

We are pleased to announce the fourth patch to the 4.0 version of the Xibo CMS. The codename for this version is “Westphal”.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://xibosignage.com/blog/4-0-4-released

Just to note that the automatic daily database backups are not working on Xibo 4.0.0-4.0.4 inclusive.

Please see the following post for a workaround ahead of 4.0.5 which will have this fixed:

Hi Sorry , my english is very bad :slight_smile:
Greetings Alex, I downloaded version 4.0.4 of XIBO, I updated from version 3.3.8, which had been working very well and was stable.
By doing my tests I was able to detect several details in the version and see if you can guide me as to whether it is a XIBO failure or I am not doing the steps correctly.
In the CMS The rich text with annumations should be handled in a playlist, but in my opinion it should also be available as a separate element where its properties can be placed.
On the other hand, in the RSS Tickers, I only noticed that Prominent title with description and name separator works, the other elements can be displayed in design mode but in the player they remain in the xibo logo.
Also, the images are not displayed when you place an RRS Ticker that contains static templates.
At the moment I have not carried out any further tests of the version.
But version 3.3.8 was working beautifully :slight_smile:

I don’t know if a clean installation solves the problems. I hope to know if so?