Xibo clarifications

I am looking for a solution for my organisation to manage digital signage.
I have the following requirements / questions.
Any information or experiences shared are extremely appreciated.

  1. Non-Cloud based solution
  2. Server hosted on site
  3. Android & WebOS TVs (a mix of 2, around 50 displays)
  4. Server on server vlan, clients on different vlans
  5. Different display groups (different make of displays in same group as well)
  6. Content powerpoints, mp4, image files and webpages
  7. Most displays are hardwired via ethernet or connected via wifi
  8. Only internal signage not offering to any external clients
  9. Active directory server integration (for user accounts)
  10. Android issues with different versions?
  1. Non-Cloud based solution
    Use Ubuntu with the latest Xibo CMS

  2. Server hosted on site
    We are hosting our server at our webhosting partner

  3. Android & WebOS TVs (a mix of 2, around 50 displays)
    We have currently running Android + Windows. We prefer Windows as we can do a teamviewer session on TV’s that are not smart, or we cannot rely on the compatibility with the Xibo android app and smart tv.

  4. Server on server vlan, clients on different vlans
    It’s obviously your network plan + routing/tagged/untagged

  5. Different display groups (different make of displays in same group as well)
    You can sort things out with CMS v3 very easily.

  6. Content powerpoints, mp4, image files and webpages

  • powerpoint = windows only and needs to have an activated MS powerpoint
  • MP4 is working, test 1080P, 4K is capability of hardware
  • image files needs to be resized to max. 96DPI (other users/members, correct me if i am wrong)
  • webpages is working, also embedded scripts as in, tiktok/instagram etc
  1. Most displays are hardwired via ethernet or connected via wifi
    We are using both, but prefer hardwired ethernet

  2. Only internal signage not offering to any external clients

  3. Active directory server integration (for user accounts)
    it’s possible… but the desinger part is kinda complex. If you know how it works, no problem… but for new users, they can easily break a running layout.

  4. Android issues with different versions?
    see the release notes of all androids apps. 95% of the time, layout created for windows is also working for android.