Xibo 1.8 Error Stat Add failed with error SQLSTATE[HY000

Stat Add failed with error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect integer value: ‘’ for column ‘widgetId’ at row 1

It only seems to happen when I added a second display to the system. I am using the docker container on Ubuntu. I have destroyed and rebuilt a couple times, and everything is fine until I add the second display Could this be client related?

Ubuntu 16.04.1 Xibo 1.8 docker all systems on same network in test environment

Ok working to solve my own problem, i realized that the only layout that had a widget defined was the default layout. I deleted the default layout and I stopped getting the error. Will try to add a new layout with a new widget and see if that fixes things. I guess I could also GEEK UP and try to go into the CMS tables a manually fix the first row??

This is a :bug: im afraid! It’s fixed in the latest code and will be resolved in the rc1 release.

If you wanted to geek up :nerd:, then you could apply this patch: https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo-cms/commit/b0a4ad94669c223164a0e7e444ca0a92a0af5e76#diff-7eb15159dbe86a561907b3063942d805
