Xibo 1.7.3 Login Issue

While login I got this error message

Fatal error: mcrypt_create_iv(): Could not gather sufficient random data in C:\HostingSpaces\nftappsc\ezepos.co.uk\wwwroot\xibo\lib\data\userdata.data.class.php on line 441

You’ll need to speak to your hosting provider.

Basically the CMS wasn’t able to gather sufficient random entropy from the machine running your CMS to generate the cryptographic hashes necessary to secure your password in the database.

It’s really common on shared hosting type setups for the amount of incoming requests to exhaust the pool of entropy available on the machine.

It may be a one-off in which case change your password to be sure it’s been hashed correctly in the database. If not, you’ll need to ask your hosting provider why there’s no available entropy and how they can provide sufficient for their customers. Alternatively, look at hosting your CMS with a provider with some experience and the right setup to host the CMS optimally.

Thanks for detail reply